A new look on "politics in language and cultural education" through the eyes of learners and educators involved in the Modified Grounded Theory Approach
From learners' entity to citizen language: History and innovation of linguistic and cultural education as a politics
Socio-psychological factors in passing on a mother tongue to preschool children: Exploring narratives by foreign mothers in Japan
Compilation policy and educational philosophy of 'Japanese language textbooks in Chinese universities in the 1960s: Based on a comparison between educational policy and policies of Chinese government
A case study on the acquisition process of verbal characters through Japanese learning motivated by anime: From qualitative analysis of a second generation immigrant in France
How newcomers participate in the question-and-answer activities of graduate school seminars: A longitudinal study of a Chinese international student
「新しい日本語学習者」の実態と学習コミュニティに対する評価―Facebookグループ「The 日本語 Learning Community」での調査結果から
An examination of a ‘new type of Japanese language learners’ and their assessment of learning community: The case of the facebook group ‘The Nihongo Learning Community’
How to set up a participatory workshop for those involved in multilingual education: What has been revealed by Foreign Language Action Teaching Forum activities
「架け橋」ではなく,共通の新しい場をつくる人に―書評:細川英雄,尾辻恵美,マリオッティ,M. 編『市民性形成とことばの教育―母語・第二言語・外国語を超えて』
Instead of becoming bridges between nations, we will be the people who collaborate to create new places: [Book review] Citizenship growth and language education: beyond the boundary of first language, second language, and foreign language