The potential of the human library: Learning opportunities for both “readers”(visitors) and “librarians”(students)
Narrative and storytelling education in an era of increasing polarization: A case study of collaborative digital storytelling in higher education
The meaning and significance of “Telling Stories” in Japanese language education and teacher education of Japanese: Seeking potentialities of finding narratives in dialogues
Possibilities of narrative for rethinking my “selfishness” as a Japanese language education researcher: Reflections on mutual interactions with an international student
Forming teacher identities of Japanese language teachers in overseas primary and middle education institutions: Narratives of Russian teachers in the oblast of Sakhalin, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Study on the use and learning of multiple languages in a Vietnamese settlement area in Japan: The life story of a Chinese Vietnamese refugee settled in Japan
Interactional achievement of knowledge in peer-reading: Conversation analysis of activities intended to nurture critical reading skills
Experience in moving and Japanese language studies narrated by Nikkei children returnees to Brazil: Focusing on their relationship with the Nikkei community
A study on the oral history of Japanese media in modern China: The role Radio Peking played in Japanese language education before the recovery of Japan-China diplomatic relations
Consideration of the gaps between career consciousness and career support for international students: Case studies of international students who are enrollod at Japanese-language schools, two-year colleges and universities (Tokyo metropolitan area and local regions)
[Book Review] A refashioning turn on language education and research: Engaging Language (Eds. Saeki, Y. and Sato, S., 2017)
[Lecture Text] Use of Bakhtin's concept of dialogism to analyze and improve intercultural educational practices
[Lecture Text] The lecture and panel discussion of “Philosophy of desire” - Language game and power game: Possibility of “Philosophy of desire”