The concept of conviviality as the way of living together with people in cultural diversity: From the case studies of plurilingual child rearing by parents who raise their children in Ireland
Fostering citizenship and second language teaching: The process and the achievements of discussions at the pan-European level
Change of awareness about Japanese language and citizenship of a Japanese language learners from Syria: Interview of a Japanese language learner who had moved to Sweden as a refugee
Functions of a facilitator’s utterances in learning activities in community-based Japanese language education aimed at citizenship formation: Conversation analysis focused on changes in membership category
Turning vulnerability into collaborative power in the process of communication: Analysis of Tojisha Kenkyu from the perspectives of the Relational Cultural Theory
An analysis of the reflections of Japanese learners who viewed “Learning Reflections” as positive: The case of a higher educational institution in the United States
Inferring meaning from words and phrases in classical Japanese literature: The non-native learner perspective
The meaning of “self-critical attitude” in language learning: A theoretical and practical study based on Critical Theory and a case in a course of Japanese language at a university in France
An EPA care-worker candidate's words constructing his view of nursing care: From the perspective of care-work as emotional labour
Growth of Japanese language teachers in charge of adult classes and transformation in class design: From stories by a mid-career teacher in Taiwanese private education institutions
Divisions of Japanese teachers generated through categorization: Conversation Analytic approach to individuals’ accounts in research interviews
The life story of a Korean female immigrant claiming linguistic citizenship in Japan: The case for Japanese language education as transformative education generating resilience and agency
Whether Mr. Saito’s beliefs of Japanese language education has changed while working at a high school in Thailand: Difficulty realizing something from the routine
How did college students with no transboundary movement experience relate to “children who had grown up with plural languages”?: Crossing borders by listening to people’s narratives
Partial connections between Hāfu and Hikikomori: Returning to the origin of the plurilinguality and the pluriculturality and redefining the concept of “moving”
Possibility of teachers’ value-transformation through improvisational theater: Analysis of narratives of Japanese language teachers participating in a “Forum Theater”
Aiming to connect individual experiences to society, change, and the future: An attempt to create teaching materials using narratives as resources
Questioning about what you take for granted in order to open the door to the future of language education: [Book revivew] Past, present, and future of language education from anthropological and sociological points of view: Ideologies on language and language education (Ed. Shinji Sato and Akiko Murata)